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Wednesday 8 January 2014

perfect woman

pretty, beauty, beautiful, wonderful
all men in the world would want a perfect woman, to accompany live day by day, to build a dream together, to be complementary and happy together.
yaa... it's very beautiful till someone  slapping you and you realize it was just a dream.
ok,. everyone has judgments about perfection and of course very fond of it.
Oopss,. we must equate perception, love and lust are very different, men love woman when he saw the woman sexy with bikini or completely open body that is not love, it's lust.

ummm.... ever you smiled at the thought of someone? ever you  felt uneasy when there is no news of someone? ever you always wanted to know what was being done by someone?
it means you're crazy,... feeling that can make crazy.
someone can act silly because it, praying day and night in order to someday be able to live together and  feel the sky was falling when know the woman is expected not love.. arrrggghhhhhhh... many people feel it, I also ever felt it

so.. who is perfect woman?
she is not a princess, she is not a angel, she is not a miss universe, but she is more than that of all...
the perfect woman is unique, can get the most special place in the heart, more beautiful than a rainbow.
when asked why  love her, can not answer, because there are too many reasons that cannot be explained. 

so.. who is perfect woman?
does she  have beautiful face?
a wife is a perfect woman for her husband
a mother is a perfect woman for her children
older women, are married, have 2 childrens also perfect woman..
the perfect woman is relative.
you are what you do
you are what you say
you are what you think
you are what you use
everything good, so you are good, and you are perfect

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