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Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Bagi para pengguna windows tentu sudah bukan hal yang baru lagi dengan kondisi kondisi komputer yang terinfeksi virus, mulai dari virus kecil hingga virus yang sangat merepotkan. Terkadang virus-virus tersebut muncul entah darimana tau-tau sudah terasa sakitnya tuh disini hehehe. Antivirus dengan berbagai nama belum tentu dapat membasmi virus-virus tersebut, jangankan membasmi sebagian antiivirus mendeteksi pun tidak.
Gejala yang ditimbulkan tiap viruspun berbeda antara satu dan lainnya, seperti yang ditimbulkan oleh virus Shortcut, biasa gejala yang ditimbulkan seperti Komputer mulai berjalan sangat lambat, ini juga bisa terjadi karena banyaknya shortcut program yang diinstall dan berjalan di background,
Komputer sering restart atau mati sendiri sewaktu-waktu atau kamu membuka program khusus seperti Task Manager, anti virus dan lainnya.
Munculnya file-file aneh di folder tertentu. Misalnya file yang bernama sama dengan file dokumen atau nama folder
Berikut adalah cara menghapus beberapa virus tersebut

Cara menghapus virus Auturon
  1. Buka Windows Explore, pada menubar pilih Tools--> Folder Options, biasanya ada diantara menu : File, Edit, View, Favourites.
  2. Akan keluar jendela baru bernama Folder Options. Lansung saja ke View tab dan pilih opsi yang berbunyi : Show hidden files and folders. Lalu hilangkan tanda centang pada list Hide protected Operating system files. Dan Klik Ok
  3. Sekarang buka setiap drive partisi kamu (dengan cara klik kanan dan pilih Explore. Jangan Double Klik!) Hapus file bernama autorun.inf dan MS32DLL.dll.vbs atau MS32DLL.dll (jika ada), pastikan menghapusnya secara permanen (shift+del enter).
  4. Buka folder C:\WINDOWS lalu jika kamu menemukan file bernama : MS32DLL.dll.vbs atau MS32DLL.dll, pastikan untuk menghapus kedua file tersebut (secara permanen tentunya).
  5. Buka start --> Run --> Regedit lalu jendela registry editor akan muncul.
  6. Lalu navigasikan ke lokasi berikut : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> Software --> Microsoft --> Windows --> Current Version --> Run. Dan jika kamu lagi-lagi menemukan entri bernama : MS32DLL, pastikan untuk menghapusnya (dengan menekan tombol delete pada keyboard).
  7. Lalu buka Group Policy Editor dengan cara mengetikan gpedit.msc pada run.
  8. Navigasikan ke : User Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> System . Temukan entri yang berbunyi Turn Off Autoplay lalu double klik, dan jendela baru akan muncul. Lalu, Atur Seperti ini : Pilih Enabled - Pilih All drives -  Klik OK
  9. Sekarang pilih start --> Run, ketik msconfig dan tekan Enter. Sebuah jendela konfigurasi akan muncul.
  10. Pilih tab startup dan hilangkan tanda check pada MS32DLL. Dan klik ok (jika muncul opsi untuk restart sistem, pilih no dulu).
  11. Selanjutnya atur kembali konfigurasi pada Folder Option tadi dengan cara seperti sebelumnya : Tools --> Folder Options dan pilih Do not show Hidden files dan centang list yang berbunyi Hide operating system files.
  12. Langkah 12, kosongkan recycle bin kamu (sebagai antisipasi saja).
  13. Lalu restart komputer kamu.

Cara menghapus virus Shortcut
  1. Buka command Prompt dengan cara run--ketik cmd atau jika tidak ada run pilih all program--aksesoris--command prompt.
  2. Pilih Drive yang akan dihilangkan virus shortcutnya. Misal drive G maka ketik di command prompt "D:" tanpa tanda petik
  3. Lalu ketikan format ini "attrib -h -r -s /s /d" tanpa tanda petik
  4. Tekan enter lalu tunggu. Buka drive tersebut, File asli yang terhidden telah terbuka. Lalu hapus semua shortcut tersebut. "Ingat jangan sampai shortcut tersebut terklik jika tidak ingin virus shortcut menyebar".

Cara menghapus virus Sality

 ini termasuk virus yang bikin wawww karena bandelnya, walaupun terdeteksi menggunakan smadav tapi tetep gak bisa dihapus, saking ekstremnya windows sudah di instal ulang tapi virus ini tetap nempel dan beberapa kasus virus ini dapat menyebabkan hardisk tidak bisa diformat. Cara menghapus virus ini salah satunya menggunakan SALITY KILLER, silahkan download disini

semoga bermanfaat.
keep calm and stay hack
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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Cara Atasi Laptop Lemot

Rasanya menggunakan laptop baru itu seperti menunggangi pesawat jet yang tidak mungkin lelet, tapi semua itu berubah saat negara api menyerang, setelah beberapa tahun pemakaian mulailah bermunculan satu persatu masalah hingga laptop cepat panas dan menurun kinerjanya. Penyebabnya juga bermacam macam, diantaranya berikut ini 
Sistem Registry : Pada intinya adalah semakin banyak software-software yang di install dalam komputer maka semakin bertambah pula sistem registry baru yang tersimpan dan bekerja dalam komputer.

 Ruang Harddisk : Usahakan memberikan ruang kosong yang cukup pada hardisk, jangan terlalu penuh.

Antivirus : Jelas sekali kehadiran antivirus akan sangat membuat komputer kita berjalan sangat berat, maka hal yang terbaik yang bisa dilakukan adalah menyesuaikan spesifikasi komputer dengan antivirus yang digunakan (prosessor, memori,dll).
Spyware : Spyware adalah program yang berjalan sendiri tanpa sepengetahuan kamu, solusi cuma satu hapus spyware tersebut dengan anti spyware yang ter-update

Setelah diketahui penyebabnya, berikut cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan kembali kinerja laptop 

1.      Matikan yang tidak perlu
         Untuk menonaktifkan proses proses tersebut, buka Control Panel, cari Administrative Tools icon, kemudian klik pada Services. Atau, kamu dapat membuka Start Menu dan ketik services.msc pada baris pencarian lalu tekan Enter, jika diminta, klik continue di UAC prompt. Kamu mungkin harus memasukkan password Administrator.

Klik kanan pada layanan yang ingin kamu stop, klik pada Properties, jangan lupa restart laptop kamu setelahnya.

·         Application Experience

·         Computer Browser

·         Desktop Window Manager Session Manager

·         Diagnostic Policy Service

·         Distributed Link Tracking Client

·         IP Helper

·         Offline Files

·         Portable Device Enumerator Service

·         Print Spooler

·         Protected Storage

·         Remote Registry (sangat penting untuk dinonaktifkan demi keamanan)

·         Secondary Logon

·         Security Center

·         Tablet PC Input Service

·         TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper

·         Windows Error Reporting Service

·         Windows Media Center Service Launcher

2.      Disk clean up
         Ketika windows baru di install registry,cache,dan cookies masih blom ada, tapi setelah dipakai untuk browsing dan lainnya semua itu akan menumpuk di hardisk dan akan membuat kinerja komputer/laptop menurun. Nah jadi silahkan hapus itu semua agar kinerja komputer maksimal.

Klik start - all program - pilih accesories - system tool - dan Disk Clean Up

3.      Defagment
        Apa tujuan dari defrag hardisk? defrag hardisk yaitu bukan membersihkan ataupun menghapus file, melainkan menata ulang berkas-berkas yang ada pada hardisk agar si komputer/laptop bisa dengan mudah membacanya, jadi kinerjanya akan meningkat. Untuk defragment lakukan secara berkala seperti sebulan sekali atau 2 minggu sekali lebih bagus.

Klik start - all program - accesories - klik system tool dan Disk Defragmenter.
Setelah itu akan muncul seperti gambar di atas. Pilih partisi mana yang ingin di defrag dan klik defrag lalu tunggu hingga prosesnya berahir.

4.      Uninstal Aplikasi yang tidak perlu
        Terlalu banyak mengintall aplikasi pada komputer dapat menyebabkan kinerja komputer semakin melambat, apalagi spesifikasi komputer yang  digunakan tidak sesuai dengan aplikasi yang kamu install, misalnya komputer  hanya berprocessor pentium IV, dan kamu menginstal aplikasi design seperti Solidwork, 3D Max, dan Corel Draw X6 maka Saya jamin komputer akan terasa berat atau bahkan sering mengalami hang.

       Untuk penggunaan aplikasi pada komputer sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi komputer, jika komputer memiliki spesifikasi yang kecil sebaiknya jangan terlalu banyak menginstal aplikasi pada komputer, silahkan uninstall (hapus) aplikasi yang tidak Kamu gunakan untuk mempercepat kinerja komputer Kamu.

Klik Tombol Start => Control Panel => Double Click Add or Remove Programs

5.      Hapus Temporary File
        Temporary File yang terdapat dalam sistem dapat mempengaruhi kinerja dari komputer yang mengakibatkan komputer menjadi lelet. Temporary File adalah file-file yang penggunaannya hanya bersifat sementara dan tidak permanen dan menjadi berlebihan sekali setelah program selesai digunakan. File temporary tersebut dibuat untuk menyimpan data sementara ketika file sedang dibuat, diproses atau digunakan.

        Idealnya, Temporary File harus segera dihapus setelah keluar dari program. Tapi ini tidak selalu terjadi, menyebabkan ruang disk yang akan terus bertambah dan lama-kelamaan bisa memenuhi harddisk dan tentunya memperlambat kinerja Windows itu sendiri.
Untuk menghapus Temporary File pada sistem sangatlah mudah, silahkan ikuti langkah berikut:

Klik Tombol Start => Run => Lalu Ketikkan temp => ENTER

6.      Scan dengan antivirus
        Antivirus adalah software (perangkat lunak) yang digunakan untuk mengamankan, mendeteksi, dan menghapus virus komputer dari sistem komputer. Antivirus disebut juga Virus Protection Software. Aplikasi ini dapat menentukan apakah sebuah sistem komputer telah terinfeksi dengan sebuah virus atau tidak. Umumnya, perangkat lunak ini berjalan di latar belakang (background) dan melakukan pemindaian terhadap semua berkas yang diakses (dibuka, dimodifikasi, atau ketika disimpan).

          Antivirus - antivirus terbaru sekarang tidak hanya mendeteksi virus. Program antivirus sekarang juga telah dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk mendeteksi spyware, rootkits, dan malware - malware lainnya. Tidak hanya itu, antivirus sekarang dilengkapi firewall untuk melindungi komputer dari serangan hacker dan anti spam untuk mencegah masuknya email sampah dan/atau virus ke inbox pengguna.

Demikian cara yang dapat kamu terapkan, dan semoga laptopmu dapat ngebut sama seperti semula

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Download XAMPP

XAMPP, apa kah itu. adalah Software yang merupakan software web server apache yang di dalamnya sudah terdapat database seperti mysql, php dan masih banyak lagi. Kelebihan software web server XAMPP ini di banding dengan software web server lain adalah dalam satu kali install software ini telah sekaligus terinstall Apache Web Server, MySQL Database Server, PHP Support. berikut penjelasannya


Software ini bisa kita dapatkan secara gratis, dan bersifat open source. Atau dalam artian kita dapat menggunakan dan mengubah script secara gratis. Fungsi dari Apache adalah menampilkan halaman web sesuai dengan script php yang telah di buat sebelumnya.

Merupakan bahasa pemograman yang sering di gunakan untuk web server. PHP memungkinkan pengguna atau user untuk membuat web dinamis (dapat di ubah). PHP dapat berkerja di berbagai macam Operating System seperti, windows, linux, mac os, dan lainnya. Sama halnya dengan Apache, software ini juga bisa di dapatkan secara gratis.


SQL atau Structured Query Language merupakan software yang khusus di gunakan untuk mengolah database. Hal ini memungkinkan SQL untuk dapat menambah, mengubah, menghapus data yang terdapat dalam database. SQL merupakan software yang bersifat rational atau dalam artian program ini menggunakan tabel data untuk memisahkan beberapa data yang memungkinkan untuk menghindari duplicate data.

Dengan fitur PHPmyAdmin ini, kita akan dapat dengan mudah membuat baris data ataupun database tanpa harus mengingat perintah-perintahnya.
Untuk menggunakannya sendiri sangat mudah :

  • Pastikan software XAMPP Kamu terinstall
  • Klik start Apache dan MySQL
  • Buka web browser Kamu
  • Ketikan http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Lalu akan muncul jendela interface, di sana Kamu dapat membuat baris data baru seperti database

Mungkin sampai di sini saja pertemuan kita kali ini tentang Pengertian XAMPP dan Manfaatnya, semoga artikel di atas dapat memberikan sedikit ilmu buat Kamu. Dan semoga artikel tersebut dapat bermanfaat buat Kamu.
 langsung saja kamu dapat mendownload 
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Android Lemot? sudah gak zaman, ini cara mengatasinya

       Hari gini siapa yang gak tau android, makhluk dari planet terpencil sekalipun sudah pasti tau yang namanya android. yah OS yang satu ini sangat diminati dan memang pas untuk smartphone (saat ini), fasilitas dan kenyamanan dari os android ini sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi.

            Namun karena terbuwai dengan kecanggihannya secara tidak sadar telah banyak aplikasi yang terinstal dan berjalan sehingga itu membuat kinerja android menjadi menurun. Ya memang sangat disayangkan, harap hati ingin semuanya mudah dengan smartphone namun apa daya jika malah lemot adanya. Menurunnya kinerja android biasa disebabkan karena menipisnya ruang space RAM dikarenakan aplikasi yang berjalan. Walaupun saat ini sudah banyak bermunculan smartphone dengan kapasitas RAM yang besar, namun masalah seperti seperti penyakit yang pasti dijumpai oleh pengguna ponsel pintar tersebut.

            Berikiut cara yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja android

1.      Hindari menggunakan aplikasi secara bersamaan

      Ponsel android memang memiliki fungsi multitasking yaitu bisa digunakan untuk membuka banyak aplikasi dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Tetapi jika terlalu banyak membuka aplikasi dalam waktu bersamaan dapat menyebabkan ponsel  menjadi lemot. Karena itu untuk mengatasi android hang atau lemot bisa dengan membatasi aplikasi yang dibuka.

2.      Tidak menggunakan live wallpaper
        Live walpaper memang memberikan tampilan yang menarik untuk ponsel android, namun disatu sisi live wallpaper juga ikut bertanggung jawab saat ponsel menjadi lemot. Jadi sebaiknya jangan gunakan live wallpaper

3.      Batasi penggunaan widget

      Widget merupakan sortcut dan ikon yang menampilkan informasi realtime pada homescreen. Dengan karakter selalu mengambil dan menampilkan informasi secara realtime, maka dengan semakin banyak widget akan berimbas pada lambatnya kinerja ponsel. Selain itu terlalu banyak widget juga membuat baterai dan bandwith cepat habis. Untuk mengatasi android lemot maka sebaiknya kurangi penggunaan widget.

4.      Hapus cache

Setiap aktifitas yang dilakukan, baik browsing, bermain game, atau membuka aplikasi-aplikasi yang lain, akan selalu meninggalkan berkas bisa berupa sampah, cache, histori, memori, dll. Jika tidak dibersihkan secara continue maka sampah akan semakin menumpuk, cara yang paling dianjurkan adalah menggunakan aplikasi utility seperti clean master atau yang lainnya

5.      Hapus aplikasi yang tidak penting

Ponsel android memang dapat menginstal banyak bahkan banyak sekali aplikasi, terutama bagi kamu yang manusia social network sudah dapat dipastikan kamu pasti mengintal aplikasi social network atau chat yang tentu tidak sedikit dan kamu pasti sadar jika itu membuat ponselmu lemot. Maka dari itu lebih baik hapus saja beberapa aplikasi tersebut yang jarang kamu gunakan, atau kamu juga dapat menghapus aplikasi yang jarang kamu gunakan. Sebenarnya selain menghapus aplikasi kamu juga dapat menonaktifkan/aplikasi tersebut, namun dalam hal ini kamu harus mempunyai akses root terlebih dahulu.

6.      Gunakan memory eksternal

Menyimpan terlalu banyak file di dalam memory internal juga dapat mengakibatkan ponsel lemot. Karena itu lebih baik gunakan memory eksternal untuk menyimpan file-file seperti foto, musik dan video. Jangan lupa untuk menggunakan memory eksternal yang berkualitas baik. Jika memungkin kamu bisa memindahkan aplikasi dari memori internal ke memori eksternal (SDCard) bisa dilakukan secara manual bisa juga dilakukan dengan aplikasi Link2SD. Hal ini supaya tidak membebani hardware ponsel androidmu

7.      Gunakan aplikasi untuk Optimalkan Kecepatan Android

Untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja android dapat juga menggunakan aplikasi utility. Membersihkan dan memelihara ponsel Android  adalah hal yang paling penting yang harus dilakukan secara berkala. Kamu dapat menggunakan aplikasi berikut yang dapat kamu download di playstore, Clean Master, Android Booster, App cache Cleaner dan masih banyak lagi.

Itu adalah cara yang dapat kamu lakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja androidmu.

Semoga bermanfaat


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Sunday, 17 August 2014


        Setelah proklamasi pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 hingga detik ini Indonesia telah merdeka dan terbebas dari penjajahan, namun dari penjajahan yang seperti apa?

        Sejarah telah menceritakan perjuangan bangsa Indonesia selama 350 tahun dari penjajahan belanda dan 3,5 tahun dari penjajahan jepang, itu bukanlah waktu yang singkat. jiwa, raga, dan harta berkorban demi ibu pertiwi. pahlawan yang tak dapat dihitung jumlahnya berdiri dengan gagah berani tanpa gentar dari masa ke masa berusaha menendang tamu yang menginjak - injak martabat bangsa ini. namun itu semua sudah berlalu, yang diceritakan kepada kami bukanlah kepedihan yang beliau - beliau alami, bukanlah kesengsaraan atas penindasan yang mereka terima melainkan semangat yang berkobar yang muncul dari dalam jiwa yang ikhlas itulah yang diceritakan kepada kami dan diwariskan kepada kami.

        Pedang, tombak, keris, panah bahkan bambu runcing menjadi senjata yang hebat yang mempu mengalahkan meriam - meriam dan senapan pelor. Para pahlawan bangsa ini dulunya bertarung menggunakan fisik dengan mempertaruhkan jiwa raganya dalam perjuangan, namun masa itu telah berlalu. Kini zaman telah berbeda karena bangsa ini telah merdeka walaupun kesenjangan sosial makin terlihat kontras, pemimpin lupa bahwa dirinya adalah pemimpin, kekayaan milik negeri dikuras demi terpuaskannya nafsu pejabat - pejabat yang bangsat.

           Untukmu para pemimpin, kami titipkan rasa percaya kami kepadamu. mulutmu yang bersuara siap mengemban amanah semoga diamini oleh para malaikat. kami semua berdoa agar kebaikan yang besar untukmu karena telah memperjuangkan nasib kami dari ketidak adilan. dan semoga azab terberat dari Tuhan segera datang kepadamu  di dunia ini hingga di akhirat karena telah menggunakan amanah kami untuk memuaskan nafsu mu. Untukmu pemuda - pemudi saudaraku, akan menuju ke arah mana negeri ini ada di tangan kita. semangat yang kita miliki adalah modal terbesar kita untuk membuat bangsa ini menjadi lebih hebat. 

        Tugas negeri ini masih banyak. kemiskinan yang masih merata dan semoga orang yang tamak terbuka mata. Hutan yang kian menipis mari kita benahi tanpa takut kantong menjadi kempis. Politik menjadi sarana mensejahterakan bangsa bukan untuk cara menumpuk harta.

         Dibawah megah nya sang pusaka merah putih yang berkibar di angkasa, bersatu didalam naungan saktinya pancasiila mari kita peringati hari kemerdekaan 17 Agustus ini dengan mengingat jasa para pahlawan bangsa, dengan usaha terbaik, dan dengan cita - cita yang luhur. Lalu bersama kita katakan AKU INDONESIA 

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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Windows 7 Security Features

Security and Windows 7

It’s been a tough decade for Windows users. As Microsoft’s operating system entered the dominant phase of its existence, hackers began focusing almost solely on Windows, as that’s where all the users are. As a result, various Windows versions have suffered through a seemingly never-ending series of electronic attacks, security vulnerabilities, and high-profile malware breakouts.
 In 2003 Microsoft halted development of its major operating system and application products and began an internal review of its software-development practices. The company reexamined the source code to its then-current projects and developed a new softwareengineering approach that is security-centric. Now the software giant will not release any software product that hasn’t undergone a stringent series of security checks. Windows Vista was the first client operating system shipped that was developed from the get-go with these principles in mind. That is, it was architected to be secure from the beginning. Windows 7 continues this trend quite nicely and builds off the work begun in Windows Vista. 
 Is Windows 7 impenetrable? Of course not. No software is perfect; but Windows 7 is demonstrably more secure than its predecessors. And although Windows users will no doubt face awesome security threats in the future, Microsoft at least has the lessons it learned from the mistakes of the past to fall back on. Many people believe that the security enhancements in Windows 7 will prove to be a major reason many users will upgrade to this version. This is completely valid. Windows 7’s security features permeate the system, from top to bottom, from the highprofile applications, applets, and control panels you deal with every day to the low-level features most Windows users have never heard of. This chapter highlights most of the Windows 7 security features that affect the user experience, starting with those you will likely have to deal with as soon as you begin using Microsoft’s latest operating system. First, however, take a look at the first thing Windows 7 users need to do to thoroughly secure their system. 

  Securing Windows 7 in Just Two Steps 

 Out of the box, Windows 7 includes antispyware functionality in the form of Windows Defender, a two-way firewall in Windows Firewall; a hardened Web browser (Internet Explorer 8); and automatic updating features that keep the system up-to-date, every day, with the latest security patches. Also included are changes to the User Account Control (UAC) feature, covered in the next chapter, making it less annoying and less likely to be turned off, thus reducing your exposure to malware. It would seem that Windows 7 comes with everything you need to be secure. 
 Sadly, that’s not quite the case. First, Microsoft makes it too easy for users to opt out of one of the most important security features available in the system. In addition, one glaring security feature is missing from Windows 7. You’ll want to make sure you correct both of these issues before using Windows 7 online. Fortunately, doing so takes just two steps: 
1. Enable automatic updating: 
 If you set up Windows 7 yourself, one of the final Setup steps is configuration of Automatic Updates, the Windows Update feature that helps to ensure your system is always up-to-date. However, Automatic Updates can’t do its thing if you disable it, so make sure at the very least that you’ve configured this feature to install updates automatically. (Optionally, you can enable the installation of recommended updates as well, but these are rarely security oriented.) We can’t stress this enough: this feature needs to be enabled. If you’re not sure how it is configured, run Windows Update (Start Menu Search and then type windows update) and click Change Settings in the left side of the window. Make sure the option under Important updates Install updates automatically(recommended) is selected. 
2. Install an antivirus solution: 
Many new PCs are preinstalled with security suites from companies such as McAfee and Symantec. While these suites are better than nothing, they’re also a bit bloated and perform poorly in our own tests. We prefer standalone antivirus solutions for this reason. There are many excellent options, including ESET NOD32 Antivirus, which in our own tests has proven to do an excellent job with minimal system impact. You can find out more about ESET NOD32 Antivirus from ESET directly. Security in Windows 7 starts with this simple rule: leave all the security settings on, at their defaults, and install an antivirus solution. That said, a full understanding of what’s available in Windows 7 from a security standpoint is, of course, beneficial. That’s what this chapter is all about. 

  Action Center 
When Microsoft shipped Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) in the wake of its 2003 security- code review, one of the major and obvious new features it added to the operating system was the Security Center, a dashboard or front end of sorts to many of the system’s security features. In Windows XP SP2, the Security Center was designed to track the system’s firewall, virus protection, and Automatic Updates features to ensure that each was enabled and as current as possible. If any of these features were disabled or out-ofdate,the Security Center would warn the user via a shield icon in the notification area near the system clock, or via pop-up warning balloons. 
Security Center continued in Windows Vista and picked up even more security monitoring duties. But in Windows 7, the Security Center has been rebranded and dramatically updated to support new security features, house common tasks, and provide notifications in a less intrusive way. Windows 7’s Action Center is barely recognizable as the successor to the XP and Vista Security Center. There’s actually a lot more going on there once you begin examining its new functionality. 
The core behavior of this tool hasn’t changed in Action Center. The Action Center still tracks certain security features and ensures that they’re enabled and up-to-date. If they’re not, the Action Center subtly notifies you by changing its notification area flag icon (using a small red “x” icon overlay), instead of irritating you with a pop-up balloon as before. As noted previously, Action Center now tracks far more items. Here’s the list: 
  ♦♦ Security Features 
  • Network firewall: The Action Center ensures that Windows Firewall (or a third-party firewall) is enabled  and protecting your PC against malicious software that might travel to your PC via a network or the Internet. 
  • Windows Update: Like Windows XP and Vista, Windows 7 includes an Automatic Updates feature that can automatically download and install critical security fixes from Microsoft the moment they are released. Action Center ensures that Automatic Updates is enabled. 
  • Virus protection: Although Windows 7 doesn’t ship with any antivirus protection, Action Center still checks to ensure that an antivirus service is installed and up-to-date. Modern antivirus solutions are designed to integrate with Windows Action Center so that the system can perform this monitoring function.
  • Spyware and unwanted software (malware) protection: Windows 7, like Vista, ships with Windows Defender, the malware protection suite. Action Center will monitor Windows Defender (or your anti-spyware solution of choice) and ensure it’s running and using the latest definitions.
  • Internet security settings: The Action Center ensures that Internet Explorer 8 is configured in a secure manner. If you change any IE security settings Action Center will warn you about this issue.

  • User Account Control: The Action Center also ensures that the User Account Control (UAC) technology is active. This tool is described in Chapter 8.
  • Network Access Protection: Network Access Protection, first broadly provided with Windows Server 2008, enables IT administrators to protect the security of a network by ensuring that connected PCs (running Windows XP, Vista, or 7) pass software and settings checks, created by the administrator. These checks, for example, can reveal a required piece of corporate software or ensure that certain network authentication settings are configured properly. Any deviations from this configuration will be picked up and passed on to you by the Action Center. 
♦♦ Maintenance Features 
  • Windows Backup: The Action Center takes note of whether or not you’re performing backups of your crucial data.
  • Windows Troubleshooting: The Windows Troubleshooting platform in Windows 7 ties directly into the new Action Center. Action Center will alert you to any problems that should be sent to Microsoft for further analysis and any solutions that were found to solve existing issues.
  •  Problem reports: If you run into a software issue, Windows 7 can automatically report the problem to Microsoft and check whether a resolution is provided. Action Center monitors this feature to see whether it is enabled.If all of the features that the Action Center is monitoring are enabled and up-to-date, you won’t ever see this feature unless you manually navigate to it. (You can find the Action Center in Control Panel ➪ System and Security ➪ Action Center, or by typing action center in Start Menu Search.) However, if one or more of these features are disabled,misconfigured, or out-of-date, the Action Center will provide the aforementioned alerts. It also displays its displeasure with red prefixed sections in the main Action Center window. In such a case, you can usually resolve the issue by simply using the button provided. For example, if you don’t install antivirus software, in Action Center you’ll see a Virus protection alert along with a “Find a program online” button. After installation of the antivirus software, this alert will disappear.

If you install Windows 7 yourself, you will see a red Action Center icon in the notification area of the taskbar. This is because Windows 7 doesn’t ship with any antivirus solution: To make this warning disappear, install a third-party antivirus solution. 

Windows Firewall 

When Microsoft first shipped Windows XP in 2001, it included a feature called Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) that could have potentially thwarted many of the electronic attacks that ultimately crippled that system over the ensuing several years. There was just one problem: ICF was disabled by default and enabling and configuring it correctly required a master’s degree in rocket science (or at least in computer security). Microsoft wised up and shipped an improved ICF version, renamed as Windows Firewall, with Windows XP SP2. Best of all, it was enabled by default. Sure, it broke many applications at first, but now, years later, virtually all Windows applications know how to live in a firewall-based world. 
In Windows Vista, we were given an even better version of Windows Firewall. Unlike the XP SP2 version, the version in Windows Vista enabled monitoring both outbound and inbound network traffic. While Windows 7 doesn’t bring many Windows Firewall additions, it does feature a much more informative interface, as shown in Figure. Windows Firewall is initially configured to block any unknown or untrusted connections to the PC that originate over the network. You can enable exceptions to this behavior via the Allowed Programs list, which you can access by clicking the link Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall. Typically you just leave the settings as is, of course. Depending on the network type (Home, Work, or Public) chosen when Windows 7 connects to a network, some programs and features are automatically configured to communicate through the firewall,

Windows Update 

With Windows 98 over a decade ago, Microsoft introduced a Web-based service called Windows Update that provided software updates to Windows users. That service has since been superseded by Microsoft Update, which also provides updates to many other Microsoft software products. In Windows Vista, Windows Update was moved into the operating system and made a client application, eliminating the number of Web browser hoops you had to jump through to keep your operating system up-to-date. Windows 7 continues to carry the Windows Update torch, making a few subtle changes for the good. 
As shown in Figure, Windows Update remains a client application that you can access from the Start menu. From here, you can check for and install new updates, hide updates you don’t want to be alerted about anymore, and view the history of updates you’ve already installed. You can also click a link to enable Microsoft Update functionality, enabling Windows Update to download and install updates for other Microsoft applications, such as Microsoft Office and various Windows Live products

Internet Explorer 8 Security Features

Internet Explorer 8 comes with Windows 7 and includes a vast number of security improvements that make this the safest version of IE yet. This section examines the security features Microsoft added to Internet Explorer 8. These features were absolutely necessary: ever since Microsoft integrated Internet Explorer with the Windows shell beginning in the mid 1990s, Internet Explorer has been a major avenue of attack against Windows.

InPrivate Browsing
Internet Explorer 8 can optionally run in a new InPrivate Browsing mode, shown in Figure , effectively hiding your tracks as you travel around to the more nefarious parts of the Web or, what the heck, secretly shop for a spouse’s birthday present online. More specifically, InPrivate Browsing turns off IE’s ability to locally store or retain browser history, temporary Internet files, form data, cookies and user names, and passwords. It does allow you to download files and add sites to your Favorites. By default, IE add-ons like
toolbars are disabled in InPrivate Browsing mode, but you can change that from Internet Settings if desired

A related feature, InPrivate Filtering, is a first step in addressing the way in which many Web sites share data with each other. Consider a mainstream Web site like, for The Wall Street Journal. This site is certainly reputable, but it utilizes advertising services that work across multiple non-WSJ Web sites. Once these services have collected information about you on, they can track you across other sites that utilize the same services. This is usually innocuous, but it’s possible that a malicious site could take advantage of this capability and deliver dangerous content via other sites.

InPrivate Filtering provides basic protection against this potential kind of attack by preventing, by default, more than 10 cross-site calls. It’s not enabled by default, however, but once you enable it you have decent control over how it works. For example, you could lower the threshold for cross-site content (down to a minimum of three), choose to allow or block specific sites, and so on. It’s interesting to look at just to see what the sites you visit are up to. You might be surprised.

SmartScreen Filter
IE8’s SmartScreen Filter is the new version of the anti-phishing filter that debuted in IE7. It’s been renamed to reflect the fact that it now performs both anti-phishing and antimalware functions, protecting you and your PC from electronic attacks. So if you attempt to browse to a site that is known to deliver malware, or you attempt to download a known bad file, IE8 will prompt you with a warning.
You can manually check the current Web site if you’re unsure of something. When you do so, the SmartScreen Filter tells you what it knows about the site. You can also report a Web site that you think might be fraudulent. Microsoft says that almost 50 percent of the data in its SmartScreen database comes from users.

Should Internet Explorer 8 somehow be compromised, there’s a way out. An Internet Explorer mode called Add-ons Disabled Mode loads IE with only a minimal set of add-ons so you can scrub the system of any malicious code. You can access this mode by navigating to All Programs ➪ Accessories ➪ System Tools ➪ Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) in the Start menu. Alternately, you can use Start Menu Search to find Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

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Monday, 31 March 2014

lubuk suara dari demokrasi palsu

langsung saja,...
kami lelah,
kami lelah dengan koar koar kepedulian yang kalian tawarkan
kami lelah karena selalu kau manfaatkan suara kami disaat kau menginginkan kursi

pesta demokrasi,
ya ...seperti itulah kalian menyebutnya
dan sebenarnya kami juga sangat menginginkan itu
bukan selebaran sampah yang kalian paku di pohon pohon yang hijau

yang kami ingin adalah pemimpin yang yang mengantarkan indonesia kami menjadi rumah kami, ladang kami, bersih dari tikus tikus berdasi,. jangan sampai kami kehilangan bumi pertiwi kami, jangan sampai kami kehilangan kepercayaan kami.

pagi dengan hangatnya mentari
halaman dengan rumput yang hijau
rumah dengan warna hangat kekeluargaan
hutan dengan liar nya rimba
itulah Indonesia yang kami impikan

bapak dan ibu,...
apakah kalian ini benar benar pemimpin?
kami menginginkan pemimnpin
bukan orang yang memanfaatkan kepercayaan kami untuk mengisi kantong dengan kekayaan negeri ini

pesta demokrasi
kita tau itu sebentar lagi
kutangkupkan tangan dengan penuh harap
tak memandang suku, agama, atau warna kulit
jangan khianati kepercayaan kami
jangan khianati indonesia kami
jangan sampai ada lubuk suara dari demokrasi palsu

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Sunday, 23 February 2014


I'm with all my limitations
and it made ​​me learn

I'm with all my limitations
and it makes me strong

I learned from the spinning wheel
not always under 
not always above

I learned all I need to know
and I was never satisfied

its me
i am blackwings
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Friday, 14 February 2014


long time no post

did you know about notepad?
what is  notepad?
All Windows users know about Notepad. That is a simple text editor that has been around since Windows 1.0 in 1985. but now I do not discuss about notepad, I will discuss how for fun with notepad

you should know THIS IS NOT A VIRUS
ok, to practice and you need have a notepad and ready with all the risks

1. Create the notepad open automatically
 Now I will explain how  to create the notepad open automatically, please type the script code into notepad :

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files. This trick will make the notepad open automatically.

2. Create Caps Lock key be error like pressed continuously
 type the script code into notepad :

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

Keep in notepad with any name with extension. vbs example: "eror.vbs" without the quotes and Save As Type change to Al Files. This trick makes the Caps Lock  key error  and pressing into  by his own.

3. Please type the script code into notepad 

@echo shutdown -s -t 3 -f

Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files. This trick like a time bomb, will shut down the computer using the time (t3 = 3 seconds)

4. This trick is dangerous, because the computer will be met by 100000000 

tourstart that will meet the monitor screen and will make the computer be damaged. to overcome them can delete all the tourstart or directly restart the computer. Please type the script code into notepad :

option explicit
dim wshshell
set wshshell=wscript.createobject(“”)
dim x
for x = 1 to 100000000 “tourstart.exe”

Keep in notepad with any name with extension. vbs example: "eror.vbs" without the quotes and Save As Type change to All Files. when the file is opened will make tourstart 

10. The last, 
I think the most dangerous, because it can erase all data on the hard drive without exception, so inevitably it should reinstall, just type the script code in notepad:

@echo off

Keep in notepad with any name with exstensi. Bat, example "eror.bat" without the quotes and change the Save As Type to All Files.
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Hey people, you like to drink?

a beautiful woman out of the bar, was seen walking unsteadily, she entered his car with full of fantasy and brraaaakkkkkkkk ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when she wake up in the hospital were six broken bones and required to replace losses that caused

anyone who agrees to say waawwww???
why say waawww? LOL

ok, do you know Alcohol?
what is Alcohol?
uummmm do you like Alcohol?
ya..yaaa.... me too.. i dont like Alcohol, but I often use it, in lab I use for disinfecting, and I also often use for solvent,. :)

what is Alcohol?

Alcohols are a group of compounds containing one or more hydroxyl functional group (-OH) in an alkane compound. Alcohol can be identified by the general formula R-OH. Alcohol is one of the substances that are important in organic chemistry because it can be converted from and to many other types of compounds. Reaction with alcohol will produce two kinds of compounds. The reaction can produce compounds containing bonds or RO can also produce compounds containing OH bonds.
One of the compounds of alcohol, ethanol (ethyl alcohol, or alcohol daily), is one of the compounds that can be found in alcoholic beverages. Chemical formula CH3CH2OH or C2H5OH.
ok,... but this time I did not write about alcohol in the full version, I just will write about alcoholic beverages.

what do you know about alcoholic beverage?
Alcoholic beverages are drinks containing ethanol. Ethanol is a psychoactive substance and its consumption causes loss of consciousness. In many countries, the sale of alcoholic beverage is limited to only a number of people, generally those who have passed through a certain age limit.
There are 3 classes of alcoholic beverages.
class A; ethanol content of 1% -5% (beer)
class B; ethanol content of 5% -20% (grape / wine)
class C; ethanol content of 20% -45% (Whiskey, Vodca, maids, Manson House, Johnny Walker, Kamput)

Did you know the dangers of alcoholic beverage?
alcoholic beverages in general there is no benefit, why?
1. how much money should you spend to buy alcohol?

2. see, the people who get drunk, it's very silly mannn.... not aware and behave strangely in public,
3. how heavy your head when you are drunk? probably more than 100 pounds
logically we can think like that, still like drunk?

ok,. what if medically?

1. If excessive raises organic mental disorders ,> function disorders of thinking, feeling and behaving
- Changes in behavior (wanting to fighting and other acts of violence, are not able to assess reality, etc.)
- Physiological changes (unsteady gait, red face, or eyes)
- Psychological changes (irritability, loss of concentration or talk shit)

2. Excess liquor causing alcohol content in the blood increases,
followed by damage to nerve cells that serves to build blocks of the brain. If only the alcohol content in the brains of more than 0.5%, the owner will be easier and faster to have a stroke, then went into a coma and ended with the death of a tragic and sad. Even if the impact is not stragis it, at least paralysis will occur and difficult to cure back because brain cells have been damaged. It also can happen osteoporosis or bone loss.

3. The impact is very dangerous to drink alcohol is accelerating the phase of menopause in women and pain disorders or other harmful symptoms during menstruation

4. While pregnant women who many  drink alcohol, one terrible result is what is called fetal alcohol syndrome include birth to a baby who will have mental retardation. Liquor, let alone that made ​​local, can be dangerous. This is because the manufacture is not controlled well, also use raw materials that are not pure and true. In it not only will be contained ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in accordance with the requirements, but also methyl alcohol (methanol) is harmful to health.

how now? you like to drink???
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

tasty food, or healthy food?

when you walk in somewhere and smell the aroma of a cake and eyes when you looked at the cake, waww .... how beautiful the cake,. certainly without thinking you are going to buy the cake

appearance food including in terms of color, it is very influential to the appetite. Food coloring is colored object that has a chemical affinity towards food in warnainya. The purpose of giving colors  food is that food look more colorful to attract the attention of consumers. Coloring materials generally liquid and powder that dissolves in water.
There are two types of dyes commonly used in food processing, namely natural and synthetic dyes. All natural dyes can be used in food processing, but not so with synthetic dyes. Synthetic dyes commonly used in food processing commonly referred to as Food Colour.

1. Dyes Natural Foods (Food Colour)

Natural dyes are dyes derived from plants or animals that are safer for consumption. For example, carotenoids are a group of dyes which include yellow, orange, and red. Usually found in tomatoes, carrots, red pepper, and orange. While from the animals are in lobster, shrimp and shells.

2. Synthetic Dyes (Non Food Colour)

Artificial colors / dyes are synthetic are usually made ​​at the factory and comes from a chemical substance. These dyes are classified to hazardous substances when mixed into the food. Synthetic dyes can cause health problems, especially on liver function in our body. Examples of synthetic dyes used include indigoten, allura red, fast green, tartrazine.
Danger if used on food
The process of making synthetic dyes are usually  through giving sulfuric acid or nitric acid which is often contaminated by arsenic or other heavy metals that are toxic. In the manufacture of organic dyes before reaching the final product, must go through an intermediate compound which is sometimes dangerous and often fall behind in the final outcome, or to form new compounds are dangerous. For dyes that are considered safe, it was determined that arsenic should not be more than 0.00014% and lead should not be more than 0.001%, while the other heavy metals should not be there.

The solubility of synthetic dyes there are two kinds, of dyes and lakes. Dyes is water soluble and traded in the form of granules, liquids, pastes and mix colors. Used for coloring carbonated beverages, soft drinks, bread, pastries dairy products, sausage wrapper, and others. Lakes is a pigment obtained by the deposition of dyes absorption on the basis of material, commonly used in tablet coating, mix cookie dough, cake and donuts.

several types of synthetic dyes and side effects:
1. Tartrazine (E102 or Yellow 5)
Tartrazine is a yellow dye that is widely used in food and medicine. In addition to potentially improving child hyperactivity, at about 1-10 ten thousand people, tartrazine direct cause side effects such as urticaria (skin rash), rhinitis (runny nose), asthma, purpura (bruised skin) and systemic anaphylaxis (shock). This intolerance seems to be more common in people with asthma or people who are sensitive to aspirin.

2. Sunset Yellow (E110, Orange Yellow S or Yellow 6)
Sunset Yellow is a dye that can be found in foods such as orange juice, ice cream, canned fish, cheese, jellies, fizzy drinks and lots of drugs. For a small group of individuals, consumption of dye additives can cause urticaria, rhinitis, allergies, hyperactivity, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

3. Ponceau 4R (E124 or SX Purple)
Ponceau 4R is a red dye used in wide range of products, including jams, cakes, jelly and soft drinks. In addition to potentially trigger hyperactivity in children, Ponceau 4R is considered carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in several countries, including the United States, Norway, and Finland.

4. Allura Red (E129)
Allura Red is a synthetic dyes are widely used in sweets and drinks. Allura Red has been banned in many other countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria and Norway.
A study showed that hypersensitivity reactions occurred in 15% of people who consume Allura Red. In the study, 52 participants who had been suffering from hives or skin rash for four weeks or more were included in the diet that did not contain Allura Red and other foods that are known to cause rashes or hives. After three weeks of no symptoms, the participants again were given food containing Allura Red and monitored. From the testing, 15% back asymptomatic rash or hives.

5. Quinoline Yellow (E104)
Yellow food coloring is used in products such as ice cream and energy drinks. This substance has been banned in many countries, including Australia, America, Japan and Norway because of the perceived increased risk of hyperactivity and asthma attacks.

so... before buying food and drinks, to examine the physical condition, the content the materials used, halalness food through the label   contained in the food packaging so that the safety of food consumed is always awake.
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